Volunteer & Internship Opportunities


"Volunteer! Make a Difference in Your Life and in Your Community"

The City of Cathedral City is actively seeking volunteers to participate in our Volunteer Program! Why Volunteer? Becoming a volunteer offers opportunities for residents, community members, and all others interested to share their talents and energy to making a difference in our community. Above all, volunteering is a great way to assist in moving Cathedral City forward with commitment, pride and excellence.

To provide a rewarding experience, volunteers’ interests are matched to departments who are in need of help. Individuals must go through a background screening and fingerprinting before an assignment is made. Please read the Volunteer Handbook or visit the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.


Please contact HR@CathedralCity.gov  regarding
volunteer and intern opportunities.


Please contact HR@CathedralCity.gov  regarding
volunteer and intern opportunities.

Citizens On Patrol


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